Do you want to:

  • Feel more confident about passing the exam?

  • Be clear about likely questions and how to answer them?

Buy the online revision Masterclass with Dr Jeremy Cross, Boardroom Dynamics textbook author

We are very proud that our average pass rate in the 2020-2021 exams was 77% (compared to other tuition providers at 66% and the overall student average of 61%).

Just wanted to let you know that I achieved 75% on the boardroom dynamics paper and I could not have done it without your masterclass and I would highly recommend you to everyone wanting to sit this paper. Again thank you for your help and mentoring, I would not imagine doing that alone! (Sofia Fernandes, June 2021 exam)

Just to say I passed with merit. Thankyou for your insights as I think that had a great deal to do with it. (Caroline M, CGI Best Paper prize winner, June 2021 exam)

Boardroom Dynamics (2019) by Dr Jeremy Cross

What do we cover?

In this self-paced online Masterclass, available in mid-May 2023 after the CGI exam Case Study is released, Dr Jeremy Cross:

  • Shares exclusive insights on the key themes from the syllabus
  • Provides analysis of the case study
  • Shares predictions of which potential exam questions
  • Shares methods for successful exam answers
  • Connects you with other students for support
  • Is available to answer any questions you may have

The Masterclass includes:

  • One 121 tutor call with Dr Jeremy Cross
  • An exam practice session hosted by Dr Jeremy Cross (June 8th 12 noon GMT) including mock exam practice and feedback
  • Full recording options (slides, video, audio)

Q/ How will I access the Masterclass?

A/ Once payment is made you will be given immediate access to an online learning platform called Teachable. Content will be live after the CGI case study is released.

Q/ I'm interested in further 121 tutoring support in addition?

A/ The Masterclass includes one 121 tutor session. Further 121 sessions are available at £100 (we achieved a 100% pass rate tutoring students 121 through the November 2019 exam). Please email if interested.

Q/ I'm taking the Boardroom Dynamics module in the future. Will you repeat this?

A/ Yes and there is a full Online Tutor Course Revision offered for the exam too. See the £50 off Bundle offer below.

Q/ What if I fail the exam?

A/ We are confident that the course will put you in a great position to pass (especially if taken with the Revision Masterclass). However, if you do fail, we will give you full access, including, future updates, for your next exam, free of charge.

Q/ I'm considering registering for the course but I'm not completely sure yet.

A/ We are confident that you will get great value from the course so can offer a 100% money back guarantee.

Further questions? Contact: [email protected]

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