
On April 25th 2017, I met with the CGI (then ICSA) Qualifications Development Manager to begin the development of the first Boardroom Dynamics curriculum.

We brainstormed for around six hours (my diary invite indicates that refreshments and lunch were provided) based on input from a range of experts, student feedback and our own experience. The picture of the whiteboard below is taken from that meeting.

I then authored a syllabus, which was duly approved, followed by a test chapter (the one on evaluation if you were interested to know), again duly approved, before committing to write the book in full (all 150,000 words of it).

The syllabus has iterated a number of times and the latest version is attached below.

Each chapter has about one page of bullet points summarising its content so I would suggest that you refer to that page when you make your notes.

Out of the syllabus came the 15 book chapters which are structured into three sections: why is boardroom dynamics important (1-3), what is it (4-9) and how to influence it (10-15).


  • Use the syllabus as a reference when making your chapter notes.

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